Today I am revealing a delicious recipe that combines fresh and contrasting flavors in an irresistible dish: squares of Riccione Piadina IGP with fresh ricotta, marinated salmon and red currant garnish.
To start, choose your favorite fresh ricotta, preferably mixed, and season it with aromatic chives, a generous drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, salt and freshly ground pink pepper. Mix well to make a velvety, flavorful cream.
Now on to the smoked salmon: marinate the salmon slices with lime juice and orange for at least half an hour, so that they soak up the citrus flavors and acquire a fresh, slightly tart note.
While the salmon is seasoning, cook your Riccione Piadina IGP on our Testo Romagnolo, achieving that perfect combination of crunchiness and softness that makes every bite a joy to the palate. Cut the cooked piadina into squares, ready to be made into tasty layers.
Now it’s time to assemble our dish: arrange a layer of ricotta cream on the base of each piadina square, then place a slice of marinated salmon on top of the cream. Repeat this process until you get a tantalizing mosaic of flavors.
To complete the presentation and give a touch of acidity and color, garnish the dish with a few fresh red currants. Its tart note and vibrant color will make the dish even more inviting and appetizing.
Here is your delicious appetizer or finger food ready: a balanced combination of creamy ricotta, aromatic salmon and our beloved Riccione Piadina IGP. An explosion of flavors that will win everyone’s palate!